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- Diane

Great hats for every occasion

Great hats for every occasion


I'm pretty sure I don't have to explain one of the reasons for my devotion to hats to anyone who shares the same affliction as I do. That is, the curse of frizzy hair. For those of you unfamiliar with this unfortunate condition, it is hair that instantly looks as if it's been plugged into a socket at the first hint of any moisture whatsoever in the air. Rain, obviously. Or any chance of rain in the coming hours. Or rain that has stopped in the past few hours. Or, God forbid, humidity. And if you're really fortunate, when it's even slightly hot, you start sweating from your hair follicles and that has much the same delightful effect.

Whilst I've made my peace with my curls, in so far as I have managed to cope with being seen in public with them untamed, and noone has run away screaming. So far anyway. My electrocuted hair is another matter. 

Thank goodness for hats

Thank goodness, then for hats. And thank goodness they not only shield your hair from the worst the elements can throw at it, they hide the aftermath of said elements, protect you from the damaging effects of the sun, AND they look great at the same time, making them a perfect accessory to virtually any outfit. 

Oh, and one other thing about hats - when you have amassed a collection as extensive as mine (that's not all of them in the picture above, just the ones I could balance on my bookshelves), they serve as a reminder of places you've been and things you've done, making them a heartwarming memory store as well as a reassuring resource. 

Go on, give one a try

If you're not a hat convert, I really recommend you have a trying on session next time you're out shopping. Apart from the fact that it's great fun, and that hat shops or departments are always a visual delight, I bet you'll find (at least) one that makes you feel and look fabulous. I've just added just such a hat to my collection from a glorious shop I visited in Hastings. But you'll have to read the post about the marvellous Heydayer I met there to find out which one it is.

In the meantime, here are the stories behind one or two of my much loved hats:


Who says rain hats have to be dreary? Not me! I found this in a terrific hat shop in Vancouver, which lived up to its reputation as one of the rainiest (and most beautiful) cities I've ever visited. My girls call it my Paddington hat, but I don't care. It makes me - and people I pass when I'm wearing it - smile, and reminds me of a wonderful trip and time.


It took me several wears of this marvellously practical sun hat (it's lightweight, gives great protection and can be folded to almost nothing) before someone pointed out to me that....


....that it's actually reversible! So two hats for the, very reasonable, price of one. Ta dah!


I bought this fedora (and an identical one in blue) from a market in France. I like to kid myself that it gives me an air of French sophistication and elegance. Well, a girl can dream, can't she?


It's the story behind this hat and the other, blue one, in the first pic, that makes it so special. During my time as Editor of Woman's Weekly we asked the readers if they'd help a wonderful charity in Manchester by knitting hats for the homeless community there. Being the extraordinarily kind and generous (as well as highly skilled) people they were, the readers not only knitted enough hats for every homeless person in the Manchester area, but sent in so many  beautifully crafted creations that we amassed enough for every homeless person in the country. And then some. The hats were distributed via various charities, and those that were left we sold to raise money for other services for the homeless. I bought two of them and every time I wear them I'm not only kept snug and warm, I'm reminded of the wonderful responsiveness and thoughtfulness of the magazine's readers and why I loved my time on Woman's Weekly so much.

I'd love to see pice of you in your hat/s, and to know the stories behind them. Do post them in the comments below.


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