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- Diane

My top ten decluttering tips

My top ten decluttering tips

A beautifully decluttered drawer

Inspired by Sort Your Life Out with the wonderful Stacey Solomon (read why I love the series so much in THIS newsletter - and then please do feel free to subscribe) I had two fabulously cathartic decluttering sessions over the recent long bank holiday weekend. Honestly, if there’s anything more satisfying or, once it’s done, soothing, as taking a messy space and making it neat and orderly, I’d like to know what it is.

I don’t know about you, but in spite of my best intentions not to accumulate more stuff, and to keep the stuff I do have in some semblance of order, somehow mess insidiously creeps its way into my cupboards and drawers and, whilst I can put up with it just so long, eventually the need to be able to easily see what I’ve got and find what I want makes a decluttering and sorting session a necessity.

As a veteran of these blitzing binges and with spring, the traditional time for more extensive cleaning and clearing, upon us (even if the weather here in the UK is staying stubbornly wintry in feel), I thought I’d share my best decluttering tips in case they’re of use to you. So here they are:

Decluttering top tip number one - a bit at a time

The motivational adage ‘bite off more than you can chew’ definitely doesn’t apply when it comes to decluttering. Quite the opposite. You’re far more likely to get overwhelmed and/or not even start if you set yourself the task of sorting out everything. Pick one drawer or shelf, or, if you’re feel especially galvanised, a cupboard, but no more. Decluttering done well takes a bit of time and it’s far better to do one thing really thoroughly than run out of steam and end up with a half-completed effort that’s likely to make you feel worse rather than better.

Decluttering top tip number two - make the job more fun

Whilst I generally thoroughly enjoy the process of sorting and organising, I find the task of tackling my mess is made even more delightful if I do it listening to either a podcast or some music whilst I go about the business of bringing order out of chaos.

Decluttering top tip number three - be prepared

Before cracking on with your chosen decluttering space, get out four bin bags (or three boxes and a bin bag) so that you can put the items you want to recycle, donate, sell or throw away straight into the appropriate bag. I also like to have cleaning stuff to hand because inevitably when I’ve emptied the space (see tip four) it turns out to need a good going over with a sponge and/or duster (ahem).

Decluttering top tip number four - get it all out

The best way to declutter effectively is to get everything out of the space you’re sorting and lay it out on a flat surface - the floor, a table, a kitchen worktop - so you can clearly see what you’re dealing with. It really helps you to make the choices about what to keep, recycle, sell, donate or throw away.

The contents of my bathroom cupboard before and after decluttering

Decluttering top tip number five - ask yourself the questions

If there’s anything you’re struggling to decide whether to keep or part with, I find it useful to run through this yay-or-nay check list:

Why have I kept this in the first place?

Does it have sentimental value?

Do I use it frequently, rarely or - be honest - never? 

Am I likely to use it again (more honesty required)?

Do I own something similar? 

Is it fit for purpose? 

Could someone else make better use of it?

Decluttering top tip number six - storage matters part one

If you’re clear how you want to organise your slimmed-down stuff in its newly sorted space then by all means go ahead and find/get the storage you need to facilitate that (see tip seven below). But you can equally just put everything back as neatly as possible in whatever storage you have available, or without the specific storage it turns out you need, which you can then measure up for and buy. Just do it soon so there’s less chance of the chaos creeping back.

Decluttering top tip number seven - storage matters part two

The sort of storage you choose and use will really help you not only declutter successfully, but keep your spaces and places tidy on-going, so it’s worth taking time to get it right. Dividers (see main pic) are the very best way to keep drawer contents neat, baskets are brilliant in big cupboards, and smaller boxes are ideal in more limited spaces. Clear jars and containers are great in the kitchen because they help you see when you’re running low on the contents. Obviously there are a gazillion options (I’ve personally counted them and can confirm that number), so you should be able to find what works best for you.

A variety of baskets and storage drawers (the dark grey ones have my t-shirts in them) in my very deep bedroom cupboard

Decluttering top tip number eight - love your labels

When you’ve put everything away in its newly-allocated space and storage, make sure you keep it there - and know where to find it - by labelling it clearly. Obviously you can hand write sticky labels, but if you happen to have a label maker, run riot with it. (And yes, I realise there aren’t any labels on my baskets in the above pic, but in my defence I’ve only just got most of them, so they’re coming!)

Decluttering top tip number nine - bags be gone

At the end of any successful decluttering process, you’ll have acquired bags (or boxes) of items you want to sell, recycle, donate or chuck away. So do. Leaving that stuff sitting around entirely defeats the purpose of your decluttering efforts. Put the ones to be taken out of the house by the front door or straight into the boot of the car. THIS BLOG will help you with finding deserving new homes for all sorts of stuff.

And just a word about selling - it sounds terrific in principle, but it is time-consuming and can be quite faffy, so be sure you’re willing to do what it takes before adding items to the sell pile.

Decluttering top tip number ten - keep it up

And by that I mean two things: The first is, keep going with the little-by-little approach. You’ll not only spread out the feel-good glow, but also you’re more likely to stay motivated.

The other is: now you’ve given everything a new neat home, use it. Each time you take something out of a drawer or cupboard, make sure you return it to where it now belongs. Simply stated - put it away, don’t put it down.

If you have any great decluttering tips and tricks please do add them in the comments. Happy tidying!

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